pH Papers HomeCure's AlkaMAX Papers help you monitor your daily
fluctuation from acid to alkaline by giving you valuable information for
planning a better diet, lifestyle and improving your health. One quick
dip in either urine or saliva gives you immediate results. Measures pH
from 4.5-7.5

On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 15:19, Garnet wrote:
> It is simple to figure out what your diet is doing to your pH. Buy some
> pH test strips like diabetics use and measure the pH of your urine after
> eating various types of foods.
> Occams Razor strikes again.
> Garnet
> On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 12:32, sol wrote:
> >   The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey. Very 
> > interesting book.  For autonomic dominants vegetables alkalinize and 
> > meats acidify. However oxidative dominants get the opposite 
> > reaction---vegetables acidify, and meats alkalinize.
> >  "............the pH effect of any given food cannot be viewed in 
> > "absolute" terms. Contrary to conventional wisdom, no food or nutrient 
> > has an acid or alkaline effect on the body because of some qulaity 
> > inherent in the foood or nutrient. Rather, the acid/alkaline effect of 
> > foods and nutrients ont eh body are determined by their variable and 
> > highly specific effects onthe various fundamental homeostatic controls 
> > in different metabolic types."
> >   The book contains a detailed questionnaire to help one figure out 
> > their metabolic type, as well as detailed instructions on how to do test 
> > diet adjustments to really fine tune diet for oneself. 
> >    Ironically, in trying to change to a healhier diet you may be doing 
> > the reverse of what YOUR body needs. Incredibly to me, most people who 
> > have adopted belief in vegetarianism or in a heavy meat diet, tend to 
> > also adopt the belief, very rigidly that their particular belief system 
> > somehow reflects human evolution, and that therefore the diet they 
> > believe in is best for every single human on the planet. I have read 
> > many articles defending and promoting the idea that 1) humans are 
> > bilogically and evolutionarily vegans/vegetarians, and 2) humans are 
> > biologically and evolutionarily carnivores. So far as I can tell, one 
> > can compare GI functions and measure intestinal lengths ad nauseum to 
> > prove either belief.
> > HTH,
> > sol
> > 
> > 
> > Joni Lovegrove wrote:
> > 
> > > Thank you both for the information, but how do I figure out what 
> > > alkalizes MY body, since everyone does respond differently.
> > >
> > > I do have one cup of coffe in the morning, I eat fruit and grains, 
> > > nuts, very little meat, mostly chicken baked, I have recently tried to 
> > > remove most of the dairy products, I was having lots of cheese, yogurt 
> > > and milk and cereal every morning, I eat lots of salads and soups and 
> > > vegetables, I drink lots of water.  It havne't managed totally cutting 
> > > out the sugar, but I am trying.
> > >
> > > joni
> > >
> > >
> > > ----Original Message Follows----
> > > From: sol <>
> > > Reply-To:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: CS>Live Bacteria
> > > Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 09:22:39 -0700
> > >
> > > A no meat diet is not best for everyone. What foods alkalize a body 
> > > depends on the body. Nothing works for everyone.
> > > sol
> > >
> > > j rigby wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hi there, Joni
> > >>
> > >> Things like your symptoms will respond very quickly as a rule.  DO 
> > >> take in lots of CS - it won't hurt you - but do something about the 
> > >> CAUSE before it is too late. Get into an Alkaline Diet.  No meat, no 
> > >> white anything - flour, sugar, rice. Especially, no coffee or tea.
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > > -- 
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> > >
> > > Joni Lovegrove
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 