Yep I'm sure. Take a look at the set up at .

I did some reading when considering buying a colema board. Enemas are
not widely discussed like just about everything else in alt health. LOL

But I did find a special bag, however a bucket would work, elevated and
rigged with a hose from an enema bag. I use a regular hot water bottle
presently, but it is not quite enough to do a high colonic.


On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 10:17, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Garnet wrote:
> > Buy a 5 gallon enema bag and learn how to do enemas, you can train
> > yourself to take in that much liquid by breathing like a birthing woman,
> > little puffs, to ease contractions.
> 5 Gallons!?!?!?  Are you sure?
> That is the size of one of those jugs on the top of a drinking fountain.  
> Seems
> like a heck of a lot to me. Those jugs are bigger than I am from my hips to my
> neck.  I think I would explode if I tried that much water anwhere in my body.
> Marshall
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