Yes you are correct Mike but what John was alluding to was the breakdown
products resulting from DMSO's action on scar tissue. Since DMSO does
not actually break down collagen to detritus, but simply breaks cross
linked collage fibers, resulting in a flattening but not elimination of
scars there is no basis for concern that a breakdown product is
produced. He implied that "toxins" would be produced and this is not in
fact the case.

While DMSO will carry anything under 1000 daltons molecular weight into
the body, there is simply are not that many products of concern on the
skin in most cases. Unless one is exposed to such agents and applies
DMSO to the skin without cleansing. Most people are not so exposed and
most people exercise due care in cleansing an area before applying DMSO
because the FDA has put the fear of God into them that DMSO is so

If it were this "dangerous" to human tissue it would not be used for
organ and stem cell transport. DMSO is in fact safer than aspirin
requires 40,000 times the therapeutic dose to produce a Lethal dose. 
It can not carry bacteria, viruses or fungi into the body. Additionally
it is one of the best anti-oxidants known to man. That is WHY it is used
for organ transport.

The work of Dr. Stanley Jacobs, Robert Herschler, PhD and others in the
development of DMSO in the 70's is one of the century's and may well
prove to be one the milleniums's most outstanding medical developments.

It has been called the Third Medical Revolution of the 20th Century with
Antibiotics and Corticosteroids being the other two.

DMSO Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton Walker available from Amazon for ~$11
is fully referenced with thousand of journal articles and private


On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 11:14, M. G. Devour wrote:
> Garnet writes:
> > >Why would DMSO carry these toxins anywhere John. You have to mix it
> > >with DMSO prior to applying topically or ingesting orally.
> Isn't it a standard caution to make sure there is nothing on the skin 
> that you wouldn't want taken into the bloodstream or tissues? My 
> impression is John's concern basically translates to "cleanse the area 
> properly and rinse well before applying DMSO..."
> > >You have not been keeping up John. ;-)
> Ummm... keep it light, okay folks! <insert smiley here>
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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