Diet change:
What could I be eating that could cause asthma, I would glady remove anything from my diet, I agree that diet is crucial, but I am not familiar with foods that cause asthma, but I have found that any shellfish, avacodo, and some food additives put me into an asthma attack. What has been coughing and wheezing has now turned into almost totally constricted airways, something has really changed. Is there a book or a website on foods and asthma?

Next response to mold:
We have lots of trees around our house and lots of rain lately, it seems to worsen the asthma to go outside. I have had a touch of asthma for a few years, seems to be triggered by allergies, dust, mold, cats, etc., we do have a cat in the house, but this has been a very severe acute attack. I cannot be around smoke, dyes or pesticides. No mold that I am aware of in our house, or leaks, we do have a basement, but my husband coated the outside and inside as we built it, along with rubber coating on blocks inside and out of basement. We also use a dehumidifier in the summer. I have a large ion machine in our bedroom.

I think after being in the hospital, all the antibiotics, then the final straw was an injection of enbrel, it set me into an immediate asthma attack, it has been very severe for the past two weeks. I finally had to take prednizone because my oxygen flow was less than 20%, I could walk miles, now I can barely breath and walk up the steps, xrays show my lungs are severely enlarged. I have never had anything like this, it is really frightening.

You mentioned micoplasms:
How can microplasms be checked? As for the neulizing of DMSO and CS, I have been too sick to figure out how to get it. I absolutely cannot get a full breath when I walk or talk. I am really concerened about taking prednizone and the inhaler, but it was all I could do under my present circumstances. I am hoping to get over this acute stage, so I can follow through on some of the suggestions and going to the links that many of you have sent for the differnt health issues I have recently developed.

Are you in a moist humid climate? Are there any moisture issues in your
house or basement? Do you have a crawl space under your house? Do you
know of any plumbing leaks?

Mold could hide in very hard to find places and be outgassing toxic
fumes that cause asthma and immune suppression. It is a frequent hidden
cause of asthma, cancer, CFS and MCS.

Mycoplasma growing in the mucous in the lungs can cause asthma,
nebulizing DMSO and CS will kill it and often relieves asthma symptoms
in just a few days.


On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 12:03, Sharon Cooper wrote:
> Changing her diet how?
> I am wondering what she might be eating that could cause asthma. I have
> been worried about my 2yo because he had three asthma attacks  ( one
> really bad one ) and "they" want me to put him on steroids for the next
> 7 years. Seems excessive to me and if there is a possiblity of keeping
> him healthy without I'd like to hear it.
> THanks
> Sharon
> On Nov 21, 2004, at 10:41 PM, John Rigby wrote:
> > At 02:14 PM 21/11/04, you wrote:
> >> I am having a terrible time with asthma, none of the traditonal
> >> medications are working, if this something CS could help.  I think
> >> all the antibiotics have caused more and more allergies which have
> >> worsened my asthma, my lungs are extremely enlarged, but very
> >> constricted bronchil tubes.  I am on two inhalors and prednisone, I
> >> fought the prednisone, but it was an emergy situation.  I am already
> >> dealing with MS, Lymes, and the chonic antibiotic resistant kidney
> >> infection.  I have appreciated all the information supplied by many
> >> of you.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Joni Lovegrove
> >
> > Joni, PLEASE  try changing your diet  as a critical first step.
> >
> >
> >
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Joni Lovegrove