It is not so much the mold as the VOCs, but avoiding eating molds is
helpful when you are in a very sensitive mode. This means eating ONLY
freshly cooked foods, no left overs at all. Mold can grow 10 million
colonies in 24 hours at the proper humidity and temperature. Some molds
grow in the arctic and at very low moisture levels.

Allergies and Candida by Stephen Rochlitiz PhD (Physics) is and excllent
source of information on avoiding mold allergies and the Candida
overgrowth / dysbiosis that can come from immune suppression or meridian
switching. He has test points and correction anyone can do at home to
correct the switching. He says this is the difference between those who
get deathly ill and may progress to chronic fatigue and other serious
degenerative diseases and those who simply get a slight case of candida
somewhere in the body. The book is out of print but Kind County Library
(Seattle) has it and your library can request it on interlibrary loan.
Dr Rochlitz does seminars and has a website that sells some products.

I know this is too much information to absorb, so do take frequent
breaks, breathe deeply and KNOW that you can make these changes over a
period of time. 

Do NOT try to alter your lifestyle all at once. The stress and cortisol
induction that will occur is further immune supressing and is known to
induce allergies.

Catch 22

Breathe In . . . . Breathe Out . . . . Breathe In 


On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 10:13, Sally Khanna wrote:
> I would say yes, but I'm only speaking from my experience and I'm not
> a doctor.   My allergist was a teacher also, and taught me to be my
> own sleuth when it casme to what would trigger asthma.  things that
> contain mold spores are not only cheese, but anything fermented and
> even food that is more than two days old.  That means watch out for
> leftovers.
> Sally
> Sharon Cooper <> wrote:
>         That was the second opinion. I suppose I could get a third but
>         I think 
>         that I will get a similar line with all the allopathic docs.
>         They seem 
>         to think that because they have reduced the dose on inhaled
>         steroids it 
>         is o.k. to take them longer. I just had a discussion with DH
>         and we 
>         both think we can link all the attacks to episodes of mold
>         exposure. 
>         Does this mean he should also avoid foods made with mold such
>         as 
>         cheeses?
>         Sharon
>         On Nov 22, 2004, at 2:16 PM, Sally Khanna wrote:
>         > My son had asthma really bad for awhile.  The doctor we had
>         was really 
>         > good, and I had to go to the school he attended and get dust
>         from 
>         > thier vacuum cleaner (this was nore than 15 years ago). 
>         They must 
>         > have thought I was nuts!    But it turned out, he was
>         allgeric to the 
>         > dust and had to leave ! the school.
>         >  
>         > I tell you, it was worth it, because he regained his
>         health.  the 
>         > doctor only used steroids as an absolute last resort and I
>         really 
>         > appreciated that.  Seven years seems like a terribly long
>         time, have 
>         > you thought about getting a second opinion?
>         >  
>         > Sally
>         >
>         > Sharon Cooper wrote:
>         > Changing her diet how?
>         > I am wondering what she might be eating that could cause
>         asthma. I have
>         > been worried about my 2yo because he had three asthma
>         attacks ( one
>         > really bad one ) and "they" want me to put him on steroids
>         for the next
>         > 7 years. Seems excessive to me and if there is a possiblity
>         of keeping
>         > him healthy without I'd like to hear it.
>         > THanks
>         > Sharon
>         >
>         > On Nov 21, 2004, at 10:41 PM, John Rigby wrote:
>         >
>         > > At 02:14 PM 21/11/04, you wrote:
>         > >> I am having a terrible time! with asthma, none of the
>         traditonal
>         > >> medications are working, if this something CS could help.
>         I think
>         > >> all the antibiotics have caused more and more allergies
>         which have
>         > >> worsened my asthma, my lungs are extremely enlarged, but
>         very
>         > >> constricted bronchil tubes. I am on two inhalors and
>         prednisone, I
>         > >>! fought the prednisone, but it was an emergy situation. I
>         am already
>         > >> dealing with MS, Lymes, and the chonic antibiotic
>         resistant kidney
>         > >> infection. I have appreciated all the information
>         supplied by many
>         > >> of you.
>         > >>
>         > >> Thanks,
>         > >> Joni Lovegrove
>         > >
>         > > Joni, PLEASE try changing your diet as a critical first
>         step.
>         > >
>         > >
>         > >
>         > > --
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