At 03:21 AM 30/11/04, you wrote:
I spent a few days with some nomadic camel herders in the Sahara in Morocco some years ago. Very nice people. They also drink very little - for good reason, as water is a scarce commodity. Mostly they drink green tea with mint.

The alternative health movement these days holds it as axiomatic that we should all drink more water - the body's many cries for water etc. So though Himagain's comments may seem like blasphemy to some, he is quite right about the Bedouin, so I wonder a bit whether drinking gallons of water every day, as I have in the past, is really necessary.
Best wishes,
Paul H

Hi Paul and folks,
Even when they have a lot of water available ( in towns) they only drink what they NEED. They are amazed at how silly we are. Mind you, they are using a much more advanced form of medicine than us. The Arabs got it from India ( like mathematics and the fabled "Arabian" zero) and it passed ( no pun) into folklore. Like using maggots in an infective wound.

I have a theory that this "flushing the body" idea was a Victorian thing - like putting pantaloons on piano "limbs" to avoid the indelicacy of gentlefolk being provoked into lascivious thoughts. :-)

Himagain. Still trying to grasp the idea of opening a vein and filling a body with saturated sugar or saline solutions when they are severely damaged.... another 100 y.o. peculiar Western phenomenon.

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