At 10:22 AM 06/12/04, Paul wrote:

Ode wrote:

So, how many people assume that because something is on the shelves at the store, it is safe at any dose?
Paul wrote:
That's very true - acetaminophen, what we call paracetamol in the UK is a good example. More than 15 grams, or 30 tablets, will damage most people's livers. Many people feel suicidal, take a handful of tablets, usually with a lot of booze and go to sleep. They wake up, feeling more cheerful, collapse with liver failure a few days later and die slowly and horribly

The sickening thing is that this is preventable. If the pharmaceutical companies put methionine in with the acetaminophen/paracetamol then overdoses would be relatively harmless. But the drug would cost more, and it would smell sulfurous, so people might not buy it, and profits would suffer. So they let people die horribly instead.

Paul H
RE: Ode's comment: The whole of the conditioning process is do just that - get people to think "it will all be ok in the morning and these pills are miracles!"

Re Paul's comments: If we think it through - most of THESE things should be on prescription only - they are deadly! Of course it is preventable, you simply tell the buyer what it will and can do to them! In big letters! But wait, then nobody would buy them.............. except suicides....

Hmmmn - as people are damaging their renal systems with these things - why isn't methionine in there anyway, if it can offset the known damage being done? Matrixide?

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