Enemas work well for loosening stool. I use a tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen
Peroxide (H2O2) in a warm water enema, lay on your back and allow as
much of a normal size hot water bottle full to flow in. If you cramp or
get a pushing urge, just blow short puffs of air as they teach in LaMaze
birthing to resist the urge to push. Then roll over on your right side
and take in a little more. You can massage your abdomen or just try and
hold it to allow softening. The H2O2 really speeds up the process and
will get some O2 to your colon which is a cancer treatment in itself. Do
measure the H2O2 as too much can burn the sensitive mucous membranes. 

DMSO and CS are both known to normalize cancer cells. Both can be used
topically and internally. DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton Walker is
available from www.amazon.com and has much information on its use as
well as journal citations. 

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO check the list
archives and links section for more info

Drinking enough water to help loosen stools. Also balancing your
minerals, particularly magnesium, helps prevent constipation as well as
Thyroid deficiency, which will depress Immune function.

Very few people are interested but I will mention Urine Therapy because
Urine enemas are very healthy and a very easy way to absorb your own
urine for its therapeutic benefit. I will leave it to you to explore
this 5,000 year old therapy that is in the pharmacopoeia of all
indigenous peoples on the planet.


Check the list archives and links section for more information. BTW your
urine is sterile unless you have an active bladder infection. It's
composition is almost identical to your blood plasma. It contains all
the active immune components you are currently making to keep you
healthy. Stanizlaw Burzinsky, MD of Houston, TX and others have
sucessfully treated cancer and other degenerative conditions with
auto-urine therapy.


On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 14:36, Juliska wrote:
> Hi fellow group Members,
> I am a 74 yr old diabetic with a heart problem.
> I also have growths in my caecum & colon polyps . The polyps are
> benign but the growth/s in my caecum were not reached after 2 hours
> trying by 2  gastroenterologists last week so their benignity remains
> open to question.  I am told that after about 5 years colon polyps are
> apt to turn cancerous so I have every reason to seek treatment for
> these growths which are uncomfortable & partly blocking excretion
> which is only possible with laxatives & fiber.  The doctors told me
> growths are very common but to return if I bled from the anus or
> started losing weight rapidly.   Washed their hands of me !!
> What Rife , Herbal, Magnetic pulser or other alternative treatment
> would help me????   Please send me your comments or suggestions for
> treatment.   
> Thank you all,
> Julius Kabrun .
> juli...@worldonline.co.za  

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