Hello Folks:
I will post some information on how I make colloidal gold until Mike says stop. 
I don't pretend to be an expert, but this is what works for me. Please do not 
reply or comment on this post since I have a mailstation that is limited in 
The first and what I feel to be the most important thing is the 
conductivity of the water. I developed my own method of testing which I will 
explain later. I use this method for testing  the water before starting to 
avoid wasting time. I also have a digital wattmeter in line to monitor the 
watts (power)  required to overcome the resistance of the water. As small 
amounts of gold or in the case of silver are deposited in the water the watts 
begin to drop. I find that if the water is totally pure it is less conductive 
and requires more power or watts to overcome the resistance and begins to heat 
up and will even come to a boil. If the water is too conductive it allows the 
voltage to easily flow and take less material off of the plates. When I say too 
conductive, that is sometimes a very low reading in PPM. So far, I have been 
speaking of using 15000 vac.
The water conductivity also applys when making ionic silver.
Each batch may come out different from the same brand of distilled water from 
two different containers

I test my water, and colloidals, with a device I made with a large DC capacitor 
and DC voltmeter. After charging the capacitor to 100 vdc and turning off the 
supply voltage the capacitor holds the charge. I then discharge the voltage 
the solution I am  testing and turn the switch off after one minute. The 
reading will be between zero and one hundred.
I have determined what conductivity works best to produce whatever I am making. 
A higher voltage remaining in the capacitor indicates low conductivity. A lower 
voltage would indicate the water is more conductive and allowed the charge to 
drain off faster. Depending on the amount of solution, rod spacing and 
capacitor rating, this could change.
Continued: with da list owners permission
Bill Amos

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