I can't afford a Rife machine, but I have used a frequency generator with 
electrodes, and spent many hours using all the aspergillus frequencies I could 
find. I did sweeps across all these frequencies, sine and square wave, across 
my sinuses with every electrode placement I could think of. No effect at all. I 
couldn't find fumigatus frequencies anywhere.

The magnetic multipulser sends out a 5kHz pulse, which worked very well indeed. 
I don't think it kills the spores, which presumably continue to grow, and have 
to be killed continually. Eventually there will be no more spores, I hope. 

I will be getting some money soon, and will look at getting a good Rife machine 
I appreciate your suggestions. This is an unbelievably horrible illness. The 
toxic effects of the fungus are indescribable.

Paul H