After I am satisfied with the water, I can begin. It sounds like a lot of 
preparation, but it soon becomes routine.
I am making one pint and it will take three hours. I have it set up on timers. 
I heat the water in the microwave for 2 minutes or about 130 degrees. and have 
a thick plastic cap that is drilled for different rod spacings. I space my pure 
gold rods  1-1/4 inches apart in a total submerged fashion. There is no arcing 
between the rods during the first two hours of using a 15000 vac neon 
transformer. The gold rods are about 
1/16 inch in diameter. There is also no indication (Tyndall) of any gold 
forming in the solution while the HVAC is on.
I believe, and this is my opinion, that the surface of the rods are softened by 
the high voltage passing through the solution.
After 2 hours of high voltage the timer turns the transformer off and after 2 
minutes another timer turns on my low voltage DC (30 volts). This can be done 
without timers
if you want to watch it. Within a few minutes there is a light tyndall and it 
increases for the next hour while it is on 30vdc.
So basically I am producing CG with 30vdc and only preparing the rods with 
HVAC. I also notice that more than an hour on DC will dim the tyndall 
indicating the gold is redepositing on one of the rods. The solution remains 
totally clear except for a strong tyndall.  And for some of those who have used 
it, I am told there have been good results, why else would you make it ? I'm 
open to any comments, questions or critics.
End of story !

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