Hi, List -

I wrote to Garnet today to let her know she's missed, and she gave permission to post her response.


I have just been busy. Winter here in Central Texas has been so mild I am
able to get outside more and work on some needed maintenance and

I may resub when things slow down around here. With the holidays,
running the computer consulting business, keeping up with my teenager
who is obsessed with showing her Australian Shepherds lately my Internet
time has been limited. Please let everyone know I am well. And of course
can be reached through the DMSO list that I moderate or private email.



I hope to launch a health consulting site in the near future. I plan to
have some pdf-for-fee or eBook downloads of information that I find
myself repeating as basics to health and healing degenerative disease.
My husband convinced me it is time to get it all down in one site. I am
considering offering telephone and email consults as well. If anyone has
any feed back as to whether they think this would be a valuable service
that they would actually use please email me. I would love to have some
feedback / ideas on what people might want. What kind of fees they might
feel are fair and within the reach of most people. I have always felt
healing information should be made available to those who need it most,
and who are often the ones that can afford it least. (Had my own
experience with a 7 year mold related chronic fatigue that really opened
my eyes as to who gets the care they need and who does not, for a
variety of reasons, not just money and insurance...)

Please feel free to forward this to the Silver List. I do miss the good
conversations and think of everyone often. It's still in the 70's here
and feels like Spring.

Happy New Year to All!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>