Mborgert wrote:

 > I do reflexology, I have noticed people of all ages with back and neck
pain. To me a majority of the pain is coming from the feet, arches that is,
If one follows both arches up the body you will see this could be the
problem. I have sent people to the docs and have sent them to the foot
stores but they were still having pain when I realized that the docs were
only making arch supports for the arch as it is NOW not as it WAS!!!!  Very
important.  What I tell people now is to get socks all kinds kids, thin
adult etc. and try different combinations until you feel relief.  What
happens is the arches go that makes the knees knock and thus it throws the
back out, twisted in a way which in turns throws the neck out.  Unless you
have had a accident, this is usually the cause.  Test yourself look in a
mirror and see if the above is true or look at your feet and observe have
they fallen??   <

You're really on to something there. Part of my back problems are in no
small way due to my feet problems. Long, narrow heels, but wide at the toes,
with an arch that appears normal when the foot is raised, but disappears on
the floor. Ankles that roll in, but will readily roll out with my foot
turning up under me. Congenital on my mother's side.

I can't wear cheap shoes with flat insoles, must have built in arch support.
Yet I've never found an arch support insert that I can wear for 3 minutes,
and I've bought a bunch of them.

I spend a fortune in shoes and socks. I never get to wear a shoe out like
other people. Insoles must be replaced often, but once a shoe has a bit of
outboard side wear on it and begins to roll, my knees and hips will start
killing me. Then it's off to the shoe store again, and the offending shoes,
which still look just fine, go to the thrift store. Oh well, at least I'm
always in good looking shoes!

It drives me nuts, but it really drives my wife nuts about the money. She
says I have Royal Feet. She has short wide sturdy peasant feet which will
only hurt after a shoe is about worn through.