Hello all. I'm a CS user and long time reader of this list, but this is
my first post. The subject of water purification with CS (or with a CS
generator)  has me interested. I have read about this 'use' for CS many
times but never seen this actually quantified. Most of the claims I have

seen have been pretty vague. Whats the recipe?  Is it an ounce of CS in
a gallon of water?  Or a gallon of CS in an ounce of water?  How strong
does the CS need to be? Or do you just run a generator in the water for
a few hours?  Do any members have experience with actually drinking
potentially contaminated water that has been sterilised with CS?
Research I have seen has used pure CS to kill bacteria in a dish, but
I've never seen anything that specifically addresses the issue of
sterilizing reasonably large quantities of contaminated water. Perhaps
you can point me in the right direction.


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