At 05:17 AM 19/01/05, you wrote:

I have sent several messages to this list, but they never showed up.  Yet I
am seeing other postings showing up.

What's going on?


Hi Marshall & folks,
These are the results of the NetNazi Censorship programs that intercept about 85% of all email traffic today and censor them. They are outside the law and becoming more dangerous by the day.
The look for "key words"  in Emails  and simply often trash them.
They are so numerous now that often - as they are run in a garage somewhere by a kid or religious fanatic in a basement, that mail is sidetracked for hours. There is apparently a new one run by an insane "Christian" ( a newborn Baptist) that looks for any mention of anything Islamic and "reports" the Senders Site as a Spammer........... and the main offender - called SpamCop, simply puts out on its very well-used Blacklist everyone that nutters like this "report" and for four days your whole ISP block can be off the air to millions of Servers........

Welcome to 1984.

Himagain  Wait-till-August, 2005!  Mike might face a long jail sentence.

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