RE: CS>How many ppm in CS
From: himagain
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 01:59:49

  > At 11:26 AM 18/01/05, Michael wrote:

  >> This was  very  effective on the Shingles virus and  a  series of
  >> very strong cold sore viruses, and stopped them in  their tracks.
  >> I was taking 8 oz of about 10 ppm prior, and it had no  effect on
  >> the Shingles virus, and barely dented the cold sore viruses.

  > Hi Michael,

  > Where did the Shingles appear?

  > Would you mind me passing the message on (no names mentioned)

  > Cheers,
  > Himagain

  Hi Him,

  Yes, of course you can tell anyone. I don't know if you saw  the url
  for my  web  page on Shingles? (Caution -  graphic  photos  of human

  The cs  I was making at the time stopped the infection. But  it came
  back a year later, and the regular cs had no effect. I  believe Trem
  had a  repeat infection also. This is supposed to be  fairly common,
  so it might be a good idea to anticipate it and make preparations.

  Much to my astonishment, the higher ppm cs I was  experimenting with
  at the time killed it. This is what convinced me that ions  are what
  kill bacteria and viruses, that sublingual absorption is better than
  than drinking  the  cs,  and high  ion  concentration  is  much more
  effective. This is what led me to develop Silversol.

  The blisters first appeared in the back on both sides along the belt
  line. There is a name for that region but I don't know what it is.

  This is  a very treacherous area for Shingles to  appear,  since you
  can't see it and you are completely unaware of the symptoms and what
  they mean. At this stage in the infection, literally  minutes count,
  since this is when the damage is being done.

  The @#$%!^%&*  doctor misdiagnosed it as a sprained muscle  and said
  to take  aspirin. Meanwhile, the virus was eating away at  the nerve
  sheath and  setting  the stage for the extreme pain to  come.  But I
  believe the cs also helped in the healing process.

  One of my Mom's friends just got Shingles in the neck area.  This is
  dangerously close  to  the   face,   where  nerve  damage  can cause

  I did  not find out about it until a week after the  first symptoms,
  but was able to get several litres of ~20uS cs to her right  away. I
  told her  to  hold  1  oz in the mouth  for  ten  minutes,  and soak
  unbleached tissue  in  cs and apply it to the  blisters.  (Thanks to
  Herx for that suggestion.)

  The infection  stopped and she experienced a minimum  of  pain. When
  she told her doctor (also my Mom's doctor), he replied:

    "That is the very best thing you could have done."

    "But I cannot tell you that"

  Or words to that effect. Make of that what you wish:)

  A strong recommendation is to always have several liters of  good cs
  on hand. You never know when someone will need large  quantities for
  Shingles, burns, or other emergencies.

  I hope  I  answered your questions. If  there's  anything  I missed,
  please let me know.

All the Best,

Mike Monett

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