Mike, I am puzzled.  Hydrogen requires one electron; what requires the

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Monett [mailto:pqunsulee...@spammotel.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 4:57 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>basic dumb question

Re: CS>basic dumb question
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 12:22:33


  > Solutions by their very nature are always neutral. If you  have an
  > Ag+ ion, there has to be a (-) ion to balance it. The two together
  > will define the compound.


  > A silver  ion  will  tend  to attact the  OH  portion  of  a water
  > molecule, producing silver hydroxide. The remaining H will  find a
  > matching one,  and  form  H2  which  may  remain  dissolved  or be
  > outgassed over time.


  It must  be  wonderful  living in a world where  you  never  have to
  balance chemical equations.

  The reaction  you  describe cannot happen. The  hydrogen  ions would
  require two electrons to form hydrogen gas. Electrons do not flow in
  water, and are not available.

  The hydroxyl  ion formed at the cathode is now  unbalanced,  and the
  solution would  no  longer  be   neutral  as  you  described  in the
  preceeding paragraph.

  Please balance your equations.

Mike Monett

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