AP reported yesterday that doctors in Brazil (?) successfully implanted stem cells from a person with diabetes into the same person's pancreas, enabling that organ to produce insulin and curing the patient's diabetes. No embryonic issues involved in this new method. . .

On Tuesday, Jan 25, 2005, at 08:46 Asia/Tokyo, Debbie Mcdonald wrote:

I'm mercury toxic and ALA makes me insane, it is horrific. I cannot tolerate very small doses so anyone might want to start low.

Dan Nave <dn...@mn.nilfisk-advance.com> wrote:

Re: CS> Diabetes, neuropathy, thyroid problems, etc.

Can't remember which practitioner (MD / alternative practitioner) it
was but he was recommending Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) for diabetic
neuropathy. His recommendation on dose for those with the condition was
200mg three times a day.

Don't just do this and forget about losing weight and following up on a
holistic approach!


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