oh Brooks, i am so happy to see you back. We have had so much going on here it is all i can do to save the list to file and get around "tuit". tonight i have a few brief moments so pulled up the list. the very first thing i looked for was signs of you. I hit subject, it went alphabetical, then i scanned for you. I have thought of you so very often since your life altering events of last year. I have so many of your wise post saved in a Brooks folder and always look to your wisdom when i am trying to solve a problem. You are one of the very dearest human beings i have had the good fortune to learn from. I am very sorry about your friend and know it must be very hard to bid a temporary adieu. I am 55 now and i tell my younger friends that i am grateful to be closer to the exit than i am to the entrance. there is a peace in having passed the line from coming in to going home. i would not trade the beauty of youth for the wisdom that increases with each year. a very dear friend sent me this last week. it came at the perfect time as i had been crying, sobbing, over the increased Patriot act signed on dec 10th, or was it the 11th? ( i am also behind on the news) it all seems so crazy. when i read this link a peace filled my being.


welcome back dear man, welcome back.


a rose...