I have personally used acticoat, it is how I realized just how awesome the 
power of silver can be.  I've had a few pressure sores that were treated with 
acticoat and they healed much quicker than with any other dressing.  But we all 
know the value of silver here, just another positive on silver's résumé.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bbanever 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 6:24 AM
  Subject: CS>

  Could a dressing help in superbug fight? 
        By Nick Triggle 
        BBC News health reporter  

  An Austrian doctor believes a dressing containing silver can virtually 
  eradicate the cross infection of MRSA in hospitals. But can this 
  dressing, which is already used in the UK to treat burns victims, 
  really have an impact on the NHS, where the so-called superbug is 
  wreaking havoc?  

  A simple dressing would seem little use in the fight against the 
  superbug which is sweeping across Britain's hospital wards and 
  operating theatres. After all, hospital-acquired infections, such as 
  MRSA, kill 5,000 a year and cost the NHS £1bn.  

  But a dressing, laced with silver, may well prove the best weapon in 
  the fight against MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), 
  according to an Austrian expert.  

  For more than a year Professor Robert Strohal, associate professor of 
  dermatology at the Federal Academic Hospital in Feldkirch, studied the 
  effectiveness of a silver-impregnated dressing, called Acticoat, at two 


  Wounds infected with MRSA were covered with the dressing, which works 
  by releasing silver ions into the wound for up to seven days, ridding 
  the patient of the infection.  

  He found that in 95% of the tests, which were performed on patients for 
  three days after applying the dressing, the infection had not escaped.  

  What is more, the dressing had helped to reduce the level of infections 
  in two-thirds of cases - particularly important as MRSA is extremely 
  resistant to treatment by antibiotics.  

  The full findings are expected to be published in a leading medical 
  journal in the next few months.  

  If these dressings were used as standard, as I think they should be, 
  they would save lives  

  Tony Field  

  Prof Strohal said: "I was shocked by the results. I never expected them
  to be that effective. 

  "The dressing does not allow the infection to escape, which means any
  nurses and doctors that come into contact with the patient do not then
  get the bug and pass it on to other patients. 

  "This could have a dramatic effect if it was adopted as standard
  practice in countries like the UK and US where MRSA is a real problem." 

  The levels of MRSA infection in Austria are half those in the UK. 

  Prof Strohal believes that is down to a combination of cleaner 
  and the use of the dressings, which have been used as standard practice
  for treating wounds infected with MRSA for the last couple of years. 


  There are no official figures for how widely used silver-backed
  dressings are for UK MRSA patients. However, doctors and nurses BBC 
  spoke to said they were far from common. 

  The NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency says £10m of silver dressings are
  bought each year for the health service - but the overwhelming majority
  go on treating burn and skin graft patients or to GPs, often for people
  with diabetes. 

  The hospital infection rapid review panel, set up a year ago by the
  Department of Health (DoH) and the Health Protection Agency to make
  recommendations to the NHS about infection control, has not considered
  the dressing yet. 

  However, a DoH spokesman said it was certainly something that could be
  looked at in the future. 

  In December, the panel recommended the use of silver hydrogel catheters
  to reduce infections. 

  They are beginning to become routine in hospitals across the country
  following the advice. 

  But Professor Strohal urged the UK government to act straight away on
  the dressing. 

  He said while the dressing was more expensive than standard products -
  by about 50% - it would more than pay for itself by slashing the bill
  for treating infected people. 

  "It is obvious if the UK started using them, it would prove
  cost-effective, so much is spent each year on the bug. 

  "We need to investigate this further, but it is possible the dressings
  will mean there is no need to isolate patients anymore - that would be
  another huge cost saving." 

  Professor Strohal is now working towards setting up a pan-European 
  in an attempt to get the dressing included in European guidelines. 

  "At the moment all the recommendations are to do with general 
  of MRSA, hand-washing, isolation, disposal of aprons; there is nothing
  to deal with the bug at site, in the wound." 


  Health professionals in the UK also believe it is worth considering
  using it more. 

  The superbug has become such a problem in Britain - one in six 
  care patients become colonised or infected with MRSA - that it is
  threatening to be a key battleground in the forthcoming general

  Jean Lawrence, chairman of the Infection Control Nurses Association,
  said: "We are aware of the benefits of both the catheters and 
  Some of the nurses who have used them said they were fab. 

  "It is hard to say how commonplace they are but they do have the
  potential to combat the spread of MRSA." 

        The dressing works by releasing silver into the wound 
  And Steve Thomas, director of the Materials Testing Laboratory, which
  provides testing services for the NHS and manufacturers, said the use 
  silver-impregnated dressings needed to become standard when dealing 

  Mr Thomas, who has done research on the dressings, said: "One problem 
  that there are a few different types on the market, containing various
  quantities of silver. 

  "The good ones, such as Acticoat, are very effective at stopping the
  cross infection of MRSA. 

  "We should be careful not to overuse the dressings as MRSA could become
  resistant to the silver. 

  "However, I would say when a wound is infected with MRSA, the silver
  dressings should be used as routine." 

  Tony Field, chairman of MRSA Support, a group for victims, agreed. 

  "The work Professor Strohal has done is incredible. We have to be
  combating MRSA at site and that means the wound. 

  "If these dressings were used as standard, as I think they should be,
  they would save lives. 

  "It is all very well isolating patients, improving hygiene, but that is
  not really tackling the problem head on. 

  "This could be the best chance we have."