At 01:59 AM 11/02/05, Sol wrote:

I'd also wonder if anything has changed in your CS, or your brewing methods, or if you have changed DW. It seem strange that your CS would appear to suddenly become less effective, unless something has changed either in your process, or in your body. The stresses, and hospitilizations maybe could be at least part of the cause. Is anything in your environment different? Last fall when I got a long lasting cold in spite of drinking more that usual CS daily, two things seemed to be part of it. One was that I had stopped misting my eyes and hands with CS after being out in public, and the other (discovered much later) is that I was using dish soap liquid that was contaminated with black mold.


Hear, hear. First check what is different in your life since the week before the deterioration started. Easiest thing to do and cheaper than medical tests and the culprit usually shows up.



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