
John Plumridge
On 14 Feb 2005, at 18:34, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Yes it is a war, and all troops are needed.

The immune system is like guerrillas, as are the pathogens. The EIS is like the army, going from house to house to ferret out the pathogens and kill them. Then the standard antibiotics are like bombers, which often do a pretty good job on killing the enemy, but also do a lot of collateral damage as well.


neat analogy, except medicine is concerned with all our health and wellbeing, war is not (politics). Innocent victims of the army and bombers are a moral outrage to many, epecially their parents amd loved ones. Fighters might instead risk their own lives fight it out in the open, not from the safety of bombers. So in my opinion, the immune system etc is not like warfare in the modern world at all. Moreover, the causes of ill health are not usualy power struggles, dissatisfaction or glory-seeking,(perhaps too much satisfaction!)

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