My friend has had problems with cold sores and herpes
chronically. she says that since using olive leaf, it
has lessened her viral outbreaks. When she does get
them, they are not as bad. I have tried many things
over the years,ie.oregano oil,gse, garlic, etc. but
olive leaf has  been the most effective for me to help
knock out an infection. I think that taking a good
brand makes a big difference. I dont seem to get side
effects from using it(that I am aware of) and in
addition to helping with bacterial infections, it is
also an antifungal.  I mentioned garlic as not being
as beneficial for infections as olive leaf but I do
think that it is an excellent antifungal.-again, a
good brand is needed.
A quesion-why would taking a psa test for men increase
their chances of cancer or did I read that wrong.? I
can see why a mamogram could possilby help spread
cancer cells if there was a small growth by means of
the impact breaking apart the growth but I dont
understand the psa test.

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