Generally I steer clear of this kind of controversy, but I have one comment that I think may be helpful to anyone posting information about health issues: be sure that any "attacks" do not invite or advocate violence.

I mention this because I did read the interesting attack on Pasteur posted on the the Matrixcide web site. The author of this sometimes highly intemperate essay at times clearly advocates physical violence against MD's involved in vaccination programs. The author unambiguously advocates shooting them. This is not a mere rhetorical device or hyperbolic outburst; the author evidently is quite sincere in advocating the deaths of those who would impose vaccination. He makes this statement several times in the essay.

I note that the author of the essay is NOT the person running the web site. Nevertheless, it seems to me that a person who posts such advocacy without taking the trouble to distance himself from such comments runs the risk of being seen as a potential source of violence himself. Further, I know that experts in bioterrorism are extremely worried about public hysteria in the event of an epidemic/pandemic, and worry about necessary measures for quarantining those whose refusal to follow epidemiological guidelines might imperil others. This whole issue is a can of ugly, writhing, toxic snakes, and even the best people in the field can come to differing conclusions about the proper course of action in an emergency. The point here is simple, though: if I were among these folks, essays advocating the murder of doctors would make me very worried indeed. I would want law enforcement people to keep an eye on those advocating such actions.

In summary, I think that the misdeeds of doctors, politicians, and anyone doing wrong need to be exposed. However, those who advocate violence are very likely to do great harm to their own cause, and to bring unwanted attention to themselves and others associated with them.

I think Mr. Devour should be aware of this aspect of the web site that has brought about the controversy.

On Tuesday, Mar 8, 2005, at 12:49 Asia/Tokyo, M. G. Devour wrote:

Dan's charges that John Rigby's use of the list represents...

"... an anti-establishment political philosophy..."

"... an attack on Doctors, Politicians, and the System..."

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