How to LOWER cholesterol, first IF we look as to why the body produces
cholesterol we would find it is the bodies attempt to HEAL.  Number ONE
culprits are grains, sugar and starches these trigger off insulin production
that damages the walls of the arteries and the body then PRODUCES
cholesterol to repair the damage.

So the true trick to lowering cholesterol production is to lower the quick
release carbs that are CAUSING THE PROBLEM!!!

Omega 3's helps lower the free radicals (they also damage the walls) so it
is helpful as well. but the main thing is to lower the carbs!!!
Now the reason to take vit B's is the sugars and starches also lower them as
well as the Omega 3's.  But in either case lowering grains, sugar and
starches are the way to solve a LOT of health problems not just cholesterol.

It will also lower inflammation (often the cause of pain) so there is a lot
of incentive if you are sick or want to be healthier to lower the grains
(wheat being the worse of the grains by the way)

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Simon []
  Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:41 PM
  Subject: CS>Vitamin C & Cholesterol

  I have been reading a lot lately about Vitamin C, has anyone on the list
had any good results with high doses of Vitamin C helping to lower