There is some report on the internet  (can't find it now) that stated the
FDA banned Red Yeast as a university study found red yeast to be
___effective as drugs___the FDA there upon classified Red Yeast a "New Drug"
and banned its importation. I emailed the FDA and never got a reply (that I
know of).

WARNING one should not take red yeast when they are taking zocor, etc as
they effect will be too strong and side affects will happen.  Do a web
search under "Distillers Grain" and you'll find its used as livestock feed
and being studied as an alternative to antibiotics etc. Healthier and more
beneficial for livestock ... so the FDA bans it for human consumption.  I
think a google on Statin drugs will also show up red yeasts, or fermented

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
Acupuncture is a jab well done   Santa Cruz, CA.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Faye []
  Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 8:59 AM
  To: Lynda Khula;
  Subject: CS>Red Yeast Rice & Cholesterol

  Lynda do some research on red yeast rice. It is supposed to be very good
to lower cholesterol.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Lynda Khula
    Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 8:53 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>Vitamin C & Cholesterol

    I am sure in most cases this is true, but I have been taking zocor for
the last 18 years and my good cholesterol count is horrible, I have had 3
attacks of pancreastitis in the last 15 years and my gal bladder removed on
the last attack want to stop taking the zocor so am looking into different
things, thanks for all the info I have now been told I have MSX I am now
taking all the things mentioned here and then a lot more last count 23
different herbs, would like to cut it down to less