From: Jim Holmes
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 22:16:11

  > Some of  these  do not ring true to me,  particularly  the  one on
  > pelvic inflammatory  disease.   That   is   a  widely disseminated
  > condition. I  do not see how a couple of douches  could  reach the
  > entire pelvic area.

  > The whole report seems bogus to my intuitive BS sensors.

  > Let's see the detailed hospital reports, Biotech.

  > Jim

  Bravo, Jim. I applaud your scepticism. It would be nice to see a bit
  more rigorous proof of some of the claims that float through here.

  I am a little concerned about uniformly good results with only 10ppm.

  I want to see some failures at that concentration. 

  Some of the condditions sound pretty serious for such small doses.

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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