Hi all,

Interesting to note, I use to silverpuppy and have had pretty good
batches all around. The common thing I am seeing as well is that as we
try and brew higher ppm solutions it becomes increasingly hit and miss
with regards to making it consistent in colour? I have been playing with
this now for some time and found as I brew longer the colour becomes
opaque sometimes even yellow. A few times I got a a brown. This was
because I went pretty much around a 24 hour clock for a quart just to
see what I could get. Now here is the interesting thing which only
happened a couple days ago. I always use the highest grade Distilled
water. I went ahead with my first batch and did the first pass. The
second pass required an extra 90 min of brewing time to get the approx
desired ppm of 20. 10% margin of error. Well I forgot to turn off the
machine and only realized the next day. I thought forsure it was toast.
When I cleaned off the rods and took a TDS meter to it. I got a reading
of 22.(Using this device actually doubles the reading) so give or take
10% I now have around 40ppm; And as far as I can see being 3 days now,
turned opaque but nothing more. I forgot to mention as I left it sit in
the glass jar for an extra day it did drop to 20. I suppose it had to

Just thought I'd share this with you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 12:24 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>high ppm CS experiment, was Re: CS>CS site

Yep, encountered the same thing when I tried to increase the ppm with my
unit as well. In fact 10 ppm was about as high as I could go with it,
and then
it was golden color and not clear like the 5 ppm.


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