Mike Monett wrote:

> Re: CS>Silver-Colloids responds
> From: Marshall Dudley
> Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 09:12:37
> http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m79030.html
>   > How on earth do you reach that conclusion. I have already outlined
>   > how ionic silver most likely works when ingested, silver hydroxide
>   > -> silver chloride -> (maybe ammonial silver complexes)  -> silver
>   > particles.
>   Marshall,
>   Welcome back. We missed you. Some questions for reference:
>   1. Has Frank responded to your analysis on 26 Jan 2005,  showing the
>   solubility of AgCl in blood is 0.9ppm?
>     http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m77225.html

Only a few minutes ago, he claims that the paper is flawed, and the results
do not show up in any books.  I asked how they are flawed, and where there
is any proof they are flawed, and gave him a book published in 1975 that
has the same equation in it.

>   2. Please show the balanced equations for converting Ag(+) to  Ag as
>   you describe above.

There are several routes to get there.  But the simplest is the simple
photo development process of the reduction of AgCl to silver metal.  That
is can be done cannot be disputed, if it were not possible than argyria and
photography would not exist.

But the equation is pretty simple

Ag(+) Cl(-)  -> Ag + Cl

The electron from the Cl goes to the Ag, and cancels the +, making them
both elemental.

>   3. I  use  sublingual  absorption,  which I  find  to  be  much more
>   effective. How does this affect your analysis?

Not sure.  If one has no salt in their mouth, then the silver could cross
the barrier and go into the blood, becoming AgCl, at least temporarily.
Solubililty would not be an issue with the large volume of blood involved
under normal circumstances.  But if there is any saliva in the mouth at
all, most certainly AgCl will be formed in the mouth, and we would be back
to the solubility limits of AgCl in water with a small amount of chloride
present, probably with a solubility of less than .89 ppm due to the common
ion effect.

>   4. In http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m79033.html, you state
>   > Yep, done  that myself, the black powder is finely  divided silver
>   > which will  be  black. This can be  easily  confirmed  by applying
>   > pressure to  the  powder, and since silver is  very  mallable, the
>   > powder will  be  forced together forming a  larger  particle which
>   > will regain it's silver appearance.
>    What are the balanced equations for converting Ag(+) to Ag in dw?

Ag(+) + (electron-) = Ag

That is the Ag(+) contacts the cathode, and picks up an electron being
supplied by the power supply or battery and becomes a silver atom.

>   4. You state:
>   > Yep, done that myself. As I have reported before H2O2 will oxidize
>   > silver metal producing silver oxide which dissolves quite readily.
>   What are the balanced equations?

H2O2 + 2Ag -> 2AgO + H2O

The Ag2O then becomes either 2Ag(+) + O(--) in solution when it

>   > No, what appears on the cathode is silver metal being precipitated
>   > out.
>   > When current  is  applied to pure water the  Ag+  goes  toward the
>   > cathode and  a  hydrogen  is   released  at  the  cathode  and the
>   > remaining OH- goes toward the anode. At that point you have silver
>   > hydroxide in the water.
>   > As electrolysis  continues  then some of the OH- makes  it  to the
>   > anode, and some of the Ag+ makes it to the cathode. At the cathode
>   > the Ag+  gains  an electron and precipitates  out  as  very finely
>   > grained particles  which will be black. At the anode the  OH- will
>   > combine with  a second OH-, lose two electrons to  the  anode, and
>   > produce H2O  and O. The O being very reactive will  tend  to react
>   > with the silver making a tan colored silver oxide at the anode.
>   Marshall, I  think  you will find it  impossible  to  write balanced
>   equations describing the above. But try to surprise me:)
>   I'll leave the rest for when you have time to answer the above.

Actually I was working on that from last friday when I accidentally hit the
send button, thinking it was another reply I had just done. I am still
working on that.


> Mike Monett
> --
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