Dear Thom,

               Please do not be discouraged by the dialogues on "Ionic versus 
Particulate" silver.....
both types have---beyond question----been confirmed to evince excellent control 
over a large number of pathogenic insults (both bacterial and viral), by our 
research staff.  We have have access to and activities by, scholars, 
researchers, and academics equal to that of a consequential number of 
prestigious (by general acceptance) University staffs....currently extant.  Our 
research has, categorically, confirmed that it is quite DIFFICULT to 
manufacture an electrically isolated colloidal silver THAT IS NOT EFFECTIVE as 
a bacterial/viral control agent......even when using many "contaminated water 
sources".  While certainly not a recommended procedure, I would not hesitate to 
use rain-based runoff water....if a life-threatening event left me no other 
viable choice.
                 I do not wish to take sides in any adversarial exchange on 
this list, but feel compelled to say, "man should be allowed dogmatism on one 
basis, at least.....that being personal experience".  We in the 
Academic/scientific community have too-long sequestered unto ourselves, via 
self-appointment, the position of sole-purveyors of superior knowledge (some 
even claim wisdom)....a dangerous 
activity at best.  Ingersol, I believe, made an interesting comment (in one of 
his more iconoclastic moments) once....." Educated experts gather to declaim an 
invention or achievement is impossible, while the untaught genius accomplishes 
this impossibility-----if too many experts gather frequently enough;  progress 
may cease altogether."   I certainly do not mean to denigrate my chosen 
profession in this life, but do sometimes encounter sadness when my fellows 
choose to use their technical/educational advantage as a "Coward's 
Castle".....feeling supremely confident their intellectual superiority
insures against any "real" reprisal---from lesser mortals.
                    The failure in this situation, as I see it, is that we 
often (in academia) allow our 
subconscious desire to "impress", to overcome our declared purpose to "express" 
the knowledge we hold so dear.  Those possessing useful knowledge are, forever, 
under a moral mandate to share the most simple and direct terms 
available to them.  You, Thom, are the one on the high ground.....if only 
because of your honest desire to learn....with no strings attached.
                     This epistle comes by way of my personal apology for the 
times in life I have allowed personal imperfection to enable me in similar 
                                Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: CS>Time for closing arguments, perhaps?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 21:45:15 EST

> In a message dated 3/28/2005 8:04:33 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> It seems  to have been a fruitful discussion, but we need to be
> sensitive to the  fact that newcomers are not going to be able to get
> very much from such  detailed information. If the topic continued much
> longer we'd start to  lose people from confusion and boredom.
> Thanks Mike,
> Some of us may have only an 8th grade education. It's hard to follow  the
> wisdom and experience of those that have had the privilege to go to 
> schools  of
> higher learning.
> Their language is too far above the rest of us. (And they are entitled to
> their ranks), but PLEASE let the rest of us know what is the  results of all
> these 'arguments' in PLAIN TERMS.
> We have invested considerable time and efforts to try to utilize what we
> thought was a viable product to combat most of our dilemmas. For 
> the rest of us,
> it IS confusing to try to understand what they are  saying.
> So, do I throw out my CS/IES with my generator and go on to something  else?
> Or maybe get a jug of good Vodka to sip on and forget it
> all.....................
> I'm discouraged,
> Thom

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