
I feel confident in saying the following, from a long time spent on this list, and I am sure that no one on the lists will contradict me:

Quality, home-made electrically isolated silver, made using a well-made low-voltage device such as the Silvergen SG6 or the SilverPuppy works very well.

These devices produce both ionic and colloidal silver in an 80/20 or 90/10 ratio, approximately.

This is a dispute about which is the active (or more active) component. It is a very contentious dispute, with many facts going back and forth. It is difficult for anyone lacking a PhD in colloid chemistry to follow.

If you make EIS and check with a simple laser pointer for the "Tyndall effect" you will see a veritable constellation of silver particles in homemade EIS. It is like the Milky Way. If particles are the essential component, there are plenty of them. If ions, there are far more of those, though you can not see them.

Even scientist Frank Key, an advocate of particles, states that quality EIS is effective insofar as it contains particles, which it does, and that the ionic component, which he says become silver chloride, is not a serious risk factor for argyria.

If you want to get rid of the ionic component -- which is not something you need to do -- there is a simple method in the archives for using salt to do so. Ignore this unless you want to do some experimenting.

This information should be helpful to you, I think. I tried to keep it short and sweet.


On Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005, at 16:06 Asia/Tokyo, Betsy Coffey wrote:

although I enjoy much of what is posted here even if
it is technical(I am trying to learn from all of
this), I have to agree with Thom. As much as I
consider the technical discussion educational and I
welcome it, it would also be nice to have some simple
explanations about how cs works and which ones are
most effective. For some of us batteling serious
health problems, it is important to get some plain
facts. I am still confused about
EIS,meosilver,argentyn, and ASAP. These seem to be
mentioned lately and I would like opinions about
whether or not they are safe, and effective for
infection or yeast. I have read many of the posts
about them and feel more confused than ever.

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