I have made some corrections, and posted this again:

OK, Let me take a stab at it.  First we have the known facts, then the
experimental evidence, then the theory that ties it all together.


1. EIS kill pathogens
2. Silver salts will photoreduce to silver atoms or particles when
exposed to light
3. Silver salts will plate out on silver atoms or particles when there
is a developer present and the ph of the liquid is over 7.
4. Many compounds can act as developers, such as caffeine.  Some of
these compounds may be found in the blood.
5. If silver salts are taken and then a person is exposed to light, then
#2 and #3 can result in argyria, even for silver chloride with limited
6. EIS does not cause argyria despite containing silver compounds of
silver hydroxide or silver oxide.
7. Silver ions will help healing by causing injured cells to
dedifferentiate and redifferentiate, and also quite possibly by
repairing dna.
8. Silver compounds will usually form silver chloride when exposed to
the stomach acids or salt in the blood.  Some, such as silver sulfide
will not, but they are not involved at this point.
9. Silver metal or particles are an oxidizing catalyst and a conductor.

Experimental Evidence:

1. Both ionic and colloidal forms appear to kill pathogens.
2. Silver ions disappear from the blood stream rapidly after being
introduced when there are silver particles present.
3. Silver taken by mouth ends up being eliminated primarily through the
kidneys, despite the limited solubility of silver chloride.
4. Silver compounds with silver colloid (EIS) does not cause argyria.
5. When mixed with Gatorade, absorption rate is greatly enhanced.
6. Adding H2O2 increases the effectiveness of EIS


Both ionic silver and colloidal silver kill pathogens, although likely
by different means (ions binding with sulfur, particles being an
oxidizing catalyst or disrupting the cell electrochemistry, or other

When one takes EIS by mouth, the ionic portion converts to silver
chloride immediately.  Most of the silver chloride precipitates out
temporarily.  If you mix with an electrolyte solution, then the
solubility of the silver
chloride goes up due to it forming chloride complexes of silver. (EE #5
above explained).

Some of the silver chloride will remain in solution, and will quickly
cross the stomach wall into the blood stream.  This reduces the silver
chloride in the stomach, so some of that which precipitated out will
redissolve. Any that has not redissolved by the time it reaches the
intestines has a fate which is unknown.

Silver particles will also cross the stomach lining into the blood
stream unchanged.

Once in the blood stream, the silver quickly tries to reduce onto any
particles it can find (Fact #3 and #4).  There are two cases here that
need explaining.

First if there are no colloidal particles in the blood, some of the
silver chloride will end up being photoreduced by the sun in the skin
(FACT #2).  These particles would normally move out of the skin in short
order, but with a significant
silver salt content in the blood, they quickly grow to the point of
becoming caught via the photographic development process. (Fact #5)

If however there is a colloidal component associated with the silver
chloride, then they quickly plate out on those particles (FACT #3). The
result is a slight increase in particle size, instead of a huge increase
in the size of particles photoreduced in the skin.  Thus the colloidal
portion acts as a prophylactic against argyria. (Fact #6)

At some point the kidneys remove the silver particles from the blood
stream. (EE #3).

I believe the theory explains all of the above known facts and
experiments given above except EE #6, which I will discuss below.  If
there is any repeatable experimental evidence that contradicts this
theory, then the theory will need to be modified or discarded, but at
this time is as far as I know the ONLY theory to explain all the
experiments, facts and evidence.

Enhancement of H2O2 for EIS.

1. EIS contains silver ions and silver particles. The particles are
fairly large compared with a particle of 2 atoms.
2. H2O2 will react with large silver particles, producing silver oxide.
3. H2O2 will react with silver hydroxide producing silver oxide
4. H2O2 will react with silver oxide (Ag2O) producing particles of
silver composed of 2 atoms.

The final result is a mixture of very small silver particles of
typically 2 or so atoms, and silver oxide with a solubility limit of
about 13 ppm. Tyndall decreases due to the replacement of large
particles with small ones although many many more, color goes away for
the same reason.  Now I am unable to determine the ratio of silver oxide
to silver particles, but if we assume that it is 50/50 then if we follow
the above theory we will end up with many more and smaller particles in
the blood than if the H2O2 was not added.

So what is the difference?  Lets say we start with some EIS that is 10%
colloidal and 90% ionic. The colloid will contain particles of some
typical size, say 15 nm on the average. A 15 nm square particle of
silver atoms .2 nm in diameter (square to make the math easier to
follow) will contain approximately 45*45*45 atoms or 91125 atoms. Now
when this reaches the
blood stream we end up with 9 times as many atoms plating out on these
particles making them have 911250 atoms total, and the size increases to
97 atoms square, approximately twice as large.

If we start with a mixture that is 50/50 mixture of 2 atom colloid and
ionic, then we will end up with 4 atom particles in the blood stream,
also twice as large as the initial particles.  The surface area
difference is tremendous between a particle with 45 atoms on a side, and
particles with the same silver content with only 4 atoms total ( 4 atom
particles will have 100% of the atoms exposed, a 95 particle cube will
have only about 6.4% exposed).  The increase in effectiveness should be
about 15.67
to 1.

I believe that explains the H2O2 enhancement quite well.  Now for the
question of if adding Gatorade and H2O2 together will be even better.
If you do this then the ionic portion becomes silver chloride, which
will not change with exposure to H2O2 (verified by Mike M), and the H2O2
will break down the colloidal portion to silver oxide, which will then
become silver chloride. The final result will I believe be almost
totally silver chloride, very low effectiveness, and with no particles,
and could cause argyria.  If one added H2O2 and let it do it's thing,
then got rid of the H2O2 somehow and THEN added Gatorade, then it should
be enhanced though; an interesting avenue of experimenting to maybe
follow up on.


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