Dear Deborah
I love to help you out if you are living in Western Australia. 
Reglee in the land of Oz.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, 4 April 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: CS>Subject: CS>heliobacter & CS
Deborah wrote:

A friend of mine with early stage stomach ulcers would like to try CS as
way of eliminating any possible heliobacter pyloris that may be causing

trouble.  I would appreciate knowing the dosage and frequency to
to her of the homemade CS I'll be supplying.

I am surprised that her doctor did not give her the now common treatment
for heliobacter pylori caused ulcers:  Pepto Bismol (or other bismol
product) and an antibiotic.   Back in the late eighties, when my husband
had a huge bleed down from an unexpected ulcer, doctors were still
recommending a bland diet forever, no alcohol, etc., in addition to a
prescription of Zantac.  I read in the paper at the time (1987) that a
doctor in Australia had theorized that ulcers were caused by this common
bacteria and ought to be treated as a bacterial infection.  He was
laughed out of every medical venue where he brought the subject up.
Finally, he infected himself with the bacteria, in an effort to prove
his theory, and promptly cured it.  When I sent the clipping with my
husband to his followup appointment with his doctor, it was predictably
pooh-poohed.  However, within a year, it was major medical news and it
now is the gold standard treatment for such ulcers.  A very easy test
done in the doctor's office confirms if h pylori is present, (my doctor
checked me out a few years back when I had symptoms), but sometimes the
test costs more than the treatment, so typically, I understand that a
prescription is written instead, and in a few days, it is a done deal.
Just "shows to go ya" (as we used to say as kids), the doctors are not
only unsympathetic to outside the mainstream complementary methods such
as CS, they are pretty hard on their own colleagues when they step out
of line from the "way it is always done," too.

CS may give the same quick results.  I don't know.  If she tries that
route instead, I will be interested to learn if it is as quick and long
lasting as the allopathic doc's fix, and I am sure others on this list
will be, too.   It would save a trip to the doctor's office, leaves some
cash in one's pocket, and leave a digestive tract that does not require
recolonization with probiotics (good bacteria in the intestines are
killed by antibiotics)!
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