I used to work for Prof Goodwin who was involved with the original research of 
H pylori in Perth, Western Australia, and typed up the papers for the renaming 
of Campylobacter pylori to Helicobacter pylori, and all the interesting 
description of the little bug.  He is retired now, but if I ever come across 
items about substances recommended for fighting H pylori I send them along to 
him.  The latest I sent was a piece on coconut oil.  This time he responded 
with one he had come across - a study in China trialling cranberry juice (the 
results of which were stated to be "significant").

The medication being used in a trial carried out while I was there was in fact 
a bismuth preparation by a Dutch firm whose name I forget, but who also 
manufactured some dried yeast for breadmaking I bought once.  I recall while 
these trials were going on (about 1989) that I re-read "The Thirty Nine Steps" 
(I think it was, same author, anyway) in which there was an American with an 
ulcer who used to suck a bismuth preparation.  HIs ulcer was cured by the end 
of the story.  I showed it to the Prof, who was quite impressed that the author 
had come up with this, given what was going on at the time at great expense.  

Elsewhere someone recommended Homozon: 
"Here you will read about Homozon, a convenient and inexpensive
do-it-yourself form of oxygen therapy that has been in use for more than 100
years. H. pylori does not seem to develop a resistance to O1. It hasn't yet in 
100 years!"
(Cute statement - they've only been able to study the bug for less than 20 

Also someone on this list recommended Xylitol.


I cured my ulcer with Pepto Bismal alone. (no antibiotics)  It took about a 
month.. I just took a tablespoon every four hours, or when I thought about 
it... Many years before I knew about CS.
     eliminating any possible heliobacter pyloris that may be causing  