Greetings and welcome, Kallie,

I'm copying this to the group as well, so others may benefit from the 

I appreciate your contributing your opinions on the devices that you 
have had personal experience with, and it is reasonable to disclose 
that you're also commercially engaged with them, so that people may 
judge the objectivity of your comments.

However, be aware that commercial self-promotion is prohibited except 
with my express permission for each occurance.

The following items qualify as self promotion:

> ... ...  
> I also sell the Regency II water ionizer/alkalizer made by the Jupiter
> Company.  I have used it for 3 1/2 years.  Being in good health I
> didn't notice much difference.  However last fall I had a bone scan and
> found that I had increased my bone density which is rather a miracle at
> age 67.  The only change in my life was that I had used the alkalizer
> for three years since my previous bone scan. 
> Here is a recent testimony (Feb 2/05) not yet on my web site ... >
> [testimony, munched] ... 
> I give a free copy of Sang Wang's book "Reverse Aging" with the
> purchase of a Regency II. 
> I have found the liquid water tester that comes with the Regency to be
> a good way of checking the pH of the water.  The litmus paper is great
> for saliva and urine. 
> If anyone is interested in one of the best articles on body pH, you
> can read it here (on my website:>)) 
> It is called "pH and Your Health Potential" and is written by Dr.
> Ted Morter, DC who cures many people at his clinic in Rogers,
> Arizona.  The article also tells you where to purchase the litmus
> paper for testing.  

Too much for one posting!!! If you snuck all that in over the next week 
probably nobody would have noticed nor cared, so long as you were 
always just answering questions that were asked by other members 
**based on your personal experience.**

Yes, we have a number of vendors on the list. They have proven their 
ability to contribute without injecting their commercial interests 
unduly, and they do not require much supervision by me. If you do as 
well, you'll eventually get a leash as long as theirs! <grin>

> If you want further information please email me privately.

Indeed! That works!

> Magnetic mattress pads, Water Ionizer/Alkalizers
> Rebounders, Zappers, Mental Imagery Procedures, EFT 

This footer is the best way to consistently let people know about your 
business without overwhelming the conversation with commercial 

What goes above the signature needs to be "just helping out."

I keep a tight rein on these things so that the list does not devolve 
into the endless rantings of competing vendors.

You can find the list rules at ... Please 
read them.

Okay with all that? Thank you, ma'am!

Be well,

Mike Devour
Silver List owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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