206-543-2580 <>

DATE: Nov. 26, 2001

* Ancient Chinese folk remedy may hold key to non-toxic cancer treatment *

Two bioengineering researchers at the University of Washington have 
discovered a promising potential treatment for cancer among the ancient 
arts of Chinese folk medicine.

Research Professor Henry Lai and assistant research Professor Narendra 
Singh have exploited the chemical properties of a wormwood derivative to 
target breast cancer cells, with surprisingly effective results. A study 
in the latest issue of the journal Life Sciences 
<> describes how the derivative 
killed virtually all human breast cancer cells exposed to it within 16 

“Not only does it appear to be effective, but it’s very selective,” Lai 
said. “It’s highly toxic to the cancer cells, but has a marginal impact 
on normal breast cells.”

The compound, artemisinin, isn’t new. It apparently was extracted from 
the plant Artemesia annua L., commonly known as wormwood, thousands of 
years ago by the Chinese, who used it to combat malaria. However, the 
treatment was lost over time. Artemisinin was rediscovered during an 
archaeological dig in the 1970s that unearthed recipes for ancient 
medical remedies, and has become widely used in modern Asia and Africa 
to fight the mosquito-borne disease.

The compound helps control malaria because it reacts with the high iron 
concentrations found in the malaria parasite. When artemisinin comes 
into contact with iron, a chemical reaction ensues, spawning charged 
atoms that chemists call “free radicals.” The free radicals attack cell 
membranes, breaking them apart and killing the single-cell parasite.

About seven years ago, Lai began to hypothesize that the process might 
work with cancer, too.

“Cancer cells need a lot of iron to replicate DNA when they divide,” Lai 
explained. “As a result, cancer cells have much higher iron 
concentrations than normal cells. When we began to understand how 
artemisinin worked, I started wondering if we could use that knowledge 
to target cancer cells.”

Lai devised a potential method and began to look for funding, obtaining 
a grant from the Breast Cancer Fund in San Francisco. Meanwhile, the UW 
patented his idea.

The thrust of the idea, according to Lai and Singh, was to pump up the 
cancer cells with maximum iron concentrations, then introduce 
artemisinin to selectively kill the cancer. To accommodate a rate of 
iron intake greater than normal cells, cancer cell surfaces feature 
greater concentrations of transferrin receptors – cellular pathways that 
allow iron into a cell. Breast cancer cells are no exception. They have 
five to 15 times more transferrin receptors on their surface than normal 
breast cells.

In the current study, the researchers subjected sets of breast cancer 
cells and normal breast cells to doses of holotransferrin (which binds 
with transferrin receptors to transport iron into cells), 
dihydroartemisinin (a more water-soluble form of artemisinin) and a 
combination of both compounds. Cells exposed to just one of the 
compounds showed no appreciable effect. Normal breast cells, exposed to 
both compounds, exhibited a minimal effect. But the response by cancer 
cells when hit with first holotransferrin, then dihydroartemisinin, was 

After eight hours, just 25 percent of the cancer cells remained. By the 
time 16 hours had passed, nearly all the cells were dead.

An earlier study involving leukemia cells yielded even more impressive 
results. Those cells were eliminated within eight hours. A possible 
explanation might be the level of iron in the leukemia cells.

“They have one of the highest iron concentrations among cancer cells,” 
Lai explained. “Leukemia cells can have more than 1,000 times the 
concentration of iron that normal cells have.”

The next step, according to Lai, is animal testing. Limited tests have 
been done in that area. In an earlier study, a dog with bone cancer so 
severe it couldn’t walk made a complete recovery in five days after 
receiving the treatment. But more rigorous testing is needed.

If the process lives up to its early promise, it could revolutionize the 
way some cancers are approached, Lai said. The goal would be a treatment 
that could be taken orally, on an outpatient basis.

“That would be very easy, and this could make that possible,” Lai said. 
“The cost is another plus – at $2 a dose, it’s very cheap. And, with the 
millions of people who have already taken artemisinin for malaria, we 
have a track record showing that it’s safe.”

Whatever happens, Lai said, a portion of the credit will have to go to 
unknown medical practitioners, long gone now.

“The fascinating thing is that this was something the Chinese used 
thousands of years ago,” he said. “We simply found a different application.”


For more information, contact Lai at (206) 543-1071 or <>. For more 
information on the journal Life Sciences, check the Web at:

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