Someone posted a link to Congressional hearings about Vioxx. You can download the hearings with that link; check the archives. It is appalling to see and hear the testimony of the FDA's own scientists, who clearly, unambiguously recommended disapproval of the drug. They knew it would cause heart attacks, and in the hearings estimated deaths of at least 100,000 persons who took the drug.

Yet the FDA commissioner recently called, in an online ad for a pharmaceutical convention, for closer ties between the FDA and drug companies. He and a scientist from Merck were the top two featured speakers.

On Thursday, Apr 21, 2005, at 10:23 Asia/Tokyo, Richard Harris wrote:

Also, I believe the FDA bases it's highly prejudicial ideas and edicts on the recommendations of their on-staff Doctors and the information of the Pharmaceutical Companies that manufacture the new items and in the cases of NSAIDS such as: Vioxx; Bextra and Celebrex the FDA discovers that essential information has been intentionally withheld by the Companies.