Pavel Hochmut wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to ask:
> Suppose, we have two CS batches with the particles of the same size, they 
> differ in concentration only.
> The first has 10 ppm and the second has (to simplify the example) has 20 ppm 
> of concentration.
> Everywhere you can hear, that the CS with higher concentration has much more 
> efficacy.
> BUT WHY ????

It would have twice as many particles, so it should be twice as effective.

> Realize: If you take two teaspoons of the 10 ppm CS, your silver intake shall 
> be the same as if you take 1 teaspoon of the 20 ppm CS.

Actually the particle content goes up by more than the amount of the ppm, as 
concentration increases, a larger percentage of the ionic
silver becomes particulate silver.  I would expect the 20 to have more than 
twice as many particles at 10 ppm


> Or am I wrong? Where is the mistake?
> Many thanks
> Pavel Hochmut
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