In a message dated 5/6/2005 7:17:23 PM Central Standard Time, 
Thanks it's been 26 hours and the light is still on. Should I through it out? 
I just took a peak and the silver rods are tarnished with black (like silver 
tarnish) and when I shook them it feel of and was making it's way to the 
bottom. Also there are two tarnish lines run down the jar. From the bottom of 
rod to the bottom.
any thoughts, please
Well -- something's wrong for sure.  The longest time it takes for my Colloid 
Master to make a batch is maybe 8 hours.  First question -- how much CS are 
you making?  I always use a one-quart Mason jar.  Second question is related to 
the first -- how far apart are your silver bars?  The neck of a Mason jar is 
about 2" and that's ideal.  Third question -- when you say the light is still 
on, are you referring to the green light?  Fourth question -- do you have a 
Hanna tester?  If so, you could check your ppm-level to see what you have 
produced.  Fifth question -- you mentioned using Arrowhead distilled water.  I 
know this brand.  Did you use your Colloid Master to check the quality of the 
water before brewing?  I would not throw this batch of CS out -- but I would 
stop the process right now, and I would use this CS for topical applications, 
etc.  You can clean your silver bars by wiping them under running water with a 
scrubby sponge, then wiping dry with a paper towel.  There is occasionally a 
little debris that comes off the silver bars and drops to the bottom of the 
brewing jar -- but that is usually a result of brewing too long with direct 
current, and is not a situation usually seen with the Colloid Master.  So -- 
makes me wonder if maybe you got a defective unit.  Running a second batch 
should tell -- but only if you know you have a good quality distilled water.  
-- again -- did you test your distilled water according to the instructions 
that came with the Colloid Master?  It isn't necessary to put a box over your 
brewing jar -- I just use an ordinary kitchen towel -- not only keeps out 
light but also protects the colloid from any contamination.  You can't do any 
harm by unplugging the unit and testing the colloid at any time.  Sometimes I 
wonder how high a ppm-level I've got, so I stop the process, and test the ppm 
level.  If it's not as high as I'd like, I wipe off my silver bars, reattach 
everything, cover it up and plug it back in.  This never seems to interfere 
with production of a quality colloid.  I do let my CS rest before use (unless 
I'm out and have immediate need), I do store it in a dark cabinet, and I do 
filter it before use.  All of these precautions may or may not be necessary but 
they cause me no problem.  Can I be of further help?      MA