Dish soap could certainly be part of the problem, but again it would only make the EIS go yellow, not make your generator run forever.

The farther apart the electrodes are the higher the ppm can go because of the way distance affects the current (if I understand anythng). So having the electrodes 1 inch farther apart than is specified for your generator could make it run a lot longer......but 26 hours is outside what I'd expect even so.

See my previous post---Arrowhead is only good water in some areas of the nation. Where I live it is the worst brand by far (out of 5 or 6 brands we can get here). I think you perhaps should contact the mfr of your generator and see what they say.

"I did clean the jar with dish soap but I really rinsed in well. I flushed it because I was concerned about using soap. could this be a factor?"

I will run a second batch this afternoon. I did do the water test and it was pure. Arrowhead is a good water source. I'm using a one quart jar. It's not mason but it looks like a mason jar it's not wide mouth so the bars weren't touching the jar. I just measured the opening and it is 3 inches could this be the problem.

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