Then he will want to commit himself to the best, most comprehensive 
alternative therapies available and, if he can bring himself to it, 
stop the chemo to give them the best chance to work.

Gerson and Budwig are two that I'm aware of. There are others.

I wish him success.

Mike D.

> Hi all -- I have referred a friend of mine to this list.  I expect that
> he will subscribe in the next day or so.  He has just been diagnosed
> with cancer of the stomach and esophagus, with possible metastasis to
> the liver.  They cannot do surgery -- I believe that chemo is his only
> allopathic option.  He is in the process of that, but his doctors have
> told him that there is virtually no hope.  If there is anyone here who
> can be of help to him, please be looking for his intro post.  He has an
> 8-year old son.  He desperately wants to live long enough to raise his
> son.  Thank you.       MA

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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