Hello List ,

Having read the comments below , regarding the recycling of urine . I was reminded of a practice my grand-mother had . She would take the damped with urine napkin ( Diaper ) from any of any of her grand or great grandchildren when visiting her . She would commence to wipe her face with the urine soaked napkin . Horrified , I asked how could she do that ...??
As a child I was repulsed by what I had seen .
She replied ..... : A babies urine is sterile and extremely good for the complexion . Since there were 33 grand and great grand-children at the time ... its quite easy to see how it was my Nan had such wonderful skin ... There was always a baby in the house, on a daily basis . So having been reminded of this . And the fact that Nan was very wise and knowledgeable about Old Wives remedies , I have to conclude , that there may be something in this notion about recycling urine . The notion must be related to some useful purpose and outcome from long ago .. for sick people . Otherwise the knowledge would not have been passed on as an aid to maintaining good health .


 Actually urine works even if you do not use CS.

It is a forgotten gem of a treatment.  Except those hand creams and the
expensive face creams use it extensively as it is the best to do the job and
they have not found a substitute.

If you have cuts, burns, diaper rash (really caused by poop and not the pee)
bee stings, jelly fish stings the best and quickest way to relief is to pee
on it.

You can survive 30 days just drinking your urine if you are in an area you
can not get food and water, the yogis used this to travel great distances
with out food.

IF you potentized it then it becomes a tonic for those who will not drink
their urine, but it does fantastic things.  Many of the world uses it.  It
is not till you get to North America that there is little use of it.


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