American Biotech Labs

“Powerful Technology Creating Advanced Body &Wound Care”

(This data is intended for military, humanitarian, and government use only.)

Executive Summary


American Biotech Labs has created three products to advance the science of disinfection and also body and wound care. Using its unique patented technology, American Biotech Labs has engineered: a fully-approved hospital disinfectant called ASAP-AGX-32™; an advanced burn and wound care product called AGX SILGEL™; and a very unique supplement product called Silver Biotics™.

Silver Biotics™ Mineral Supplement

Silver Biotics™ is the national marketing label for the product also known as the ASAP Solution® (GSA # GS-07F-0826N). The product is currently only sold as a mineral supplement. The product is currently sold in health food stores across the United States, Canada, Russia and numerous other countries. It is currently used by hundreds-of-thousands of people worldwide, under a number of different brand labels, as a daily use supplement. In general, the product is used to boost the immune system and to help fight off disease and infection. There have been no reported contra indications with its continued use, with estimated sales of over a million bottles. Daily intake usage of the Silver Biotics™ product meets the daily intake safety standards as established by the U.S. EPA for silver consumption (EPA RED Document, page 2, 2nd paragraph, 1991). The product has already been approved by the country of Ghana West Africa as an alternative to antibiotics, based on their own human studies.

Malaria Treatment

Silver Biotics™ is an anti-microbial mineral supplement that has been and is being tested worldwide in oral human studies, against a number of pathogens and diseases which are deadly to humans. Of special interest are the three completed human studies from Africa, in which the product was used as an oral intake treatment against Malaria. In the studies, at a dosage of just two teaspoons used three times daily, 100% of the test patients were able to obtain full recovery from Malaria in an average of just five days, with the shortest cases taking three-and-a-half days and the longest cases taking only 10 days. Testing after treatment showed that the Malaria protozoa were no longer present in the blood. Additional human study Malaria tests are currently underway. The new test results should be available in the next 60-90 days. Copies of the three completed Malaria test summaries are available upon request.

Cost Of Malaria Treatment

According to the GSA pricing schedule of the Silver Biotics™ product and the data in from the three human test Malaria studies, the Silver Biotics™ supplement could treat an average Malaria patient to full recovery for approximately $6.00 in total cost.

Government Purchase Contract Signed

American Biotech Labs has been issued a government purchase contract on the Silver Biotics™ product. The GSA government purchase number is GSA # GS-07F-0826N.

Veterans Hospital Purchase Contract Signed

American Biotech Labs has just been issued a purchase contract on the Silver Biotics™ supplement product (10/04) by the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA). The Silver Biotics™ supplement product is one of very few supplements ever approved to be purchased and used in Veterans Hospital systems. The VA purchase contract is in effect until 09/30/2009. Contract number V797P-5762X. FSC Group 65, Part 1, Section B, Pharmaceuticals, Special Item Number (SIN):622 Item #10. Full VA approved purchase documentation is available upon request.


The ASAP-AGX-32™ product (GSA # GS-07F-0826N) is a fully EPA approved surface disinfectant product. The ASAP-AGX-32™ is approved for disinfectant use in:

* Hospital operating rooms

* Any medical facility

* Industrial facilities

* Commercial facilities

* Residential or home uses

The ASAP-AGX-32™ is approved to kill:

* Gram-negative bacteria (i.e. Salmonella choleraesuis)

* Gram-positive bacteria (i.e. Staphylococcus aureus)

* Nosocomial bacteria pathogen (i.e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa)(known as “hospital super bugs”)

Government Purchase Contract Signed

American Biotech Labs has been issued a government purchase contract on the ASAP-AGX-32™ product. The GSA government purchase number is GSA # GS-07F-0826N.

Veterans Hospital Purchase Contract Signed

American Biotech Labs has just been issued a purchase contract on the ASAP-AGX-32™ product (10/04) by the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA). The VA purchase contract is in effect until 09/30/2009. Contract number V797P-5762X. FSC Group 65, Part 1, Section B, Pharmaceuticals, Special Item Number (SIN):622, Item #32. Full VA approved purchase documentation is available upon request.

Water treatment Tests

Four test series have been completed using the ASAP product at various dilutions in raw river water, to kill bacteria. The tests have been conducted with the intent to establish how much of the product would need to be used to make potable or safe drinking water. Test results have shown the product to be very efficient at eliminating the bacteria from the raw water at dilutions of both 1/300 and 1/600 in different time frames. Unlike chlorinated or iodine treated water, water made potable, using ASAP products, has no unnatural smell or taste. A full report on using the product for water purification is available on request.

Other Important Features And Information Regarding The ASAP-AGX-32 Product

Direct antimicrobial testing that has been completed, but not yet added to our public approved claim list, currently includes numerous other superbugs and possible bioweapons including: MRSA 1, MRSA 2, Anthrax, Y. Pestis or Bubonic Plague, five different pathogenic strains of Streptococcus, E. coli, Salmonella, yeasts and even a number of deadly viruses including NIH tests on SARS, etc. The product is non-caustic, has no color, no smell, and needs no refrigeration, remains stable for years in both hot and cold climates. Because of the advanced technology and the fact that it is fully EPA approved as a surface disinfectant, and also the fact that it will not harm people, plants or animals, it is currently theorized as the perfect product for decontamination of large-scale operations. It could be spread by airplane and/or helicopters to decontaminate hospitals, government buildings, military installations, command centers or even a city. Used in portable fogging sprayers, towed behind four-wheeler units, it could be used to decontaminate hallways and buildings from the inside. American Biotech Labs has formed a strategic relationship with Evergreen International Aviation, Inc, which has been developing a deployment system using a 747 aircraft and also a number of helicopters, to disinfect large exterior surface areas.

Wound Care Using ASAP-AGX-32™

One of the outstanding features of the ASAP-AGX-32™ product is that it has the proven ability to be a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, while remaining completely non-toxic to humans at the level at which it is being used. American Biotech Labs’ management found that numerous doctors and humanitarian groups etc. were using the product as an inexpensive alternative for the disinfection of wounds, for general wound care, and wound washing. Because of the impressive use information being reported by these individuals, management decided to extend this extraordinary technology into new medical applications, by using the ASAP-AGX-32™ as the base for creating a new burn and wound-care product. It took three full-time doctors over a year-and-a-half to perfect the engineering of the powerful ASAP- AGX-32™ product into the new AGX SILGEL™ product. The FDA testing and efficacy work has been completed on the AGX SILGEL™ product.


The AGX SILGEL™ product is a highly advanced wound-care product. It has been filed with the US FDA for 13 wound-care treatment uses. All FDA test work has been completed and it is anticipated that the product will be fully approved for all 13 uses on the FDA fast-track system, in the first quarter of 2005. The AGX SILGEL™ product was created with all the bacteria, yeast, and virus-killing ability of the ASAP-AGX-32™ product, but with some additional strategic advantages.

Advantages of the AGX SILGEL™ Product

* AGX SILGEL™ provides moisture for wound healing and burn treatment, and can be used on or in conjunction with any bandage already available in any first-aid medical kit.

* AGX SILGEL™ has no color, no smell, and needs no refrigeration.

* AGX SILGEL™ will remain stable from 17N to 113N Fahrenheit.

* AGX SILGEL™ was proven non-toxic in oral route, mouse-model studies at up to 5000 mg/kg. body weight.

* AGX SILGEL™ is a proven broad spectrum anti-microbial.

* AGX SILGEL™ is non cytotoxic.

* AGX SILGEL™ looks to be the only product (that we have found) for disinfectant use inside a surgical wound.

FDA Filing

It is expected that the AGX SILGEL™ product will be fully FDA approved by the end of the first quarter of 2005. The product will be used for moist wound-care management including health care professional use for:

* Surgical wounds

* First and second degree burns

* Lacerations

* Skin tears

* Abrasions

* Grafted wounds

* Donor sites

* Debrided wounds

* Leg ulcers

* Pressure ulcers

* Diabetic foot ulcers

* Decubitus ulcers

* Venous stasis ulcers

The AGX SILGEL™ product has also been filed for over the-counter use for the treatment of minor cuts, scrapes, abrasions, and also burns. A copy of the FDA draft package instructions for use are available upon request.

Other Important Features And Information On The AGX SILGEL™ Product:

* In FDA approval comparison studies, AGX SILGEL™ was found to be over 10 times more effective at killing the MRSA bacteria (at a challenge of 10,000,000 bacteria per ml) than a leading FDA approved product, even though the leading product contains over 312 times more of the active ingredient (silver) than the AGX SILGEL™ product.

* AGX SILGEL™ is not greasy, contains no alcohol, and if rubbed into the skin, will absorb within 2 minutes, leaving the skin with a soft, non-sticky feeling.

* In hand-scrub tests (as per SOP- 21), the AGX SILGEL™ product was found very effective as a hand-scrub. The product, when rubbed onto the hands, continually eliminated microbes on the hands for up to four hours after application.

* AGX SILGEL™ was found to be effective in killing both of the sporicidal bacterium (B. subtilis, S. pyogenes) used in the AOAC 966.04 sporicidal protocol tests required for the approval to kill the Anthrax spores.

For More Information

For more information please contact Keith Moeller, V.P., or Greg Cram, Government Specialist, at 801-756-1000 or Greg by direct cell line at 801-369-8421.

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least !!!
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out very good so far, there is nothing to beat C.S. in my book !!!!

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