There are so many differing opinions:) I was told by
an alt dentist not to use cilantro until the body
burden of merc has been dealt with as it will cross
the blood/brain barrier and can take merc into your
brain. I read that chlorella is not reliable, it would
uptake merc but not necessarily keep ahold of it?? and
you might reabsorb it that way.

--- Betsy Coffey <> wrote:

> There has been some wonderful information being
> shared
> about alot of different things. I am a frequent
> visitor on another forum. There is alot of mention
> about metal chelating. It has been discussed on this
> forum, that when using  cilantrol, you should also
> use
> something to carry the metal out of the body after
> it
> is pulled from the tissues. One suggestion is using
> chorella to help the metal pass thru instead of
> being
> re- absorbed by the body. I dont have an opinon
> either
> way becaue I dont know, I am just passing on what I
> have heard.

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