Please see our answer (Candida and its cure), recently sent.
Fact is that the man can far more easily reach his organ, and be CLEAN, than a lady.
AND: Here also, there may be a failure in the defense-system,
Luz and Faith
"Healing Hands"
(If you are capable of expressing yourself in Spanish, my wife would love to attend)

From: "Ernie Patai" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>Candida: an Answer
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 00:03:01 -0400

Well that's just hilarious!!!! What is the possibility for men, Do they
bath their Manginas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Faith Saint Francis []
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 11:29 PM
Subject: CS>Candida: an Answer

Hi my Friends!
Following the Candida thread, my wife came up with this possibility:
Pour two spoonfuls of vinegar into one liter of pure water.
Mix well, and with this water you bathe the vagina internally.
This do once in two weeks (twice monthly).
That's it, see the results.
Hoping we help,
Luz and Faith,
licensed Reflexologists,
"Healing Hands".


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