----- Original Message -----
From: rose
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:43 AM
Subject: CS>codex question
hi list,
when i posted my codex question forgot to do the subject line...i made it
yesterday. would anyone in the know please comment on the states rights
thing in relation to codex...
i look to the insight of this list to collect opinions on if that would work
to keep our supplements. i have a friend in calif who is not worried about
codex at all. she would mention states laws but did not go into the detail
of this post i found elsewhere...
comments PLEASE.
a rose...
We know that what the Federal government is doing is illegal. But that
doesn't stop them. They make unconstitutional laws and since so many people
are asleep, they acquiese and then it's a done deal!
There are TONS of laws on the books that are illegal but they are enforced.
This is why I think it's so important to fight on as many fronts as we can.
Just my opinion...
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