Jason said,
"When we're done, we are drinking a water that is
purer than Reverse Osmosis Water, purer than stream
water, purer than any substance accept glacial water
and rain water."

Actually, what we make is purer than any of the above,
as both of the last two above are polluted from our
Earth’s atmosphere. When we distill water to make CS,
it is as pure as we can realistically get it.

Hillary, the key point here to remember is that the
EPA has NO information about the CS we make (EIS).
They know nothing. They have no reports, no
statistics, nothing. Everything they discuss, every
recommendation they make is about silver salts,
compounds and proteins. They refuse to acknowledge
that there even IS a pure, electrically isolated
colloidal silver, let alone that there is a difference
between one form and another.

For the EPA to set standards or make recommendations
about “silver ingestion” is ridiculous. The only thing
they know anything about are toxic forms of silver,
and they refuse to even consider that there might be a
safe, non-toxic form of silver. 

Scientists Robert H. Demling and Robert E. Burrel have
established the fact that particle size changes all
the dynamics of silver’s interaction with other
metals, minerals and the human body. Silver particle
size and purity is the key to its safety.


What we make with pure water and pure silver is
another breed of cat, with its own rules and its own
operating principles.

The only similarity between EIS and the toxic silver
compounds that the EPA discusses is the use of the
name, “silver”. The EPA is not talking about 5 mcg. of
EIS, it is talking about 5 mcg. of silver nitrate or
other silver protein. It has no recommendations about
EIS, being unwilling to admit to its existance.

The FDA says it has NO reports of EIS hurting anyone,
anytime, anywhere, ingesting any quantity.

You are surrounded on all sides and regularly,
frequently applying, ingesting and inhaling substances
that are more toxic and dangerous than EIS. Every
20-minute ride in your car causes you to inhale more
poison than 100 gallons of EIS. Every commercial fruit
or vegetable has more poison on it than 100 gallons of

Do you see what I mean?

Sorry for the rant. This stuff we make is safer than
most other things in life.


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