I posted someting a while ago about silver protein. IF anyone knows the answer to my question please reply. I am concerned about it. Also, would Willards Water be considered clustered water? Just wanted to report that I have been reading some responses that senators are writing to people regarding the codex issue. The replies are indicitive of people in power that are obviously uninformed about nutrition, medical issues,the difference between the safety of prescription drugs versus nutritional supplements, and also, I feel indifferent to the wants and needs of the majority. ONe of the letters stated that people need to eat better and that relying on nutrition supplements and vitamins will discourage this. Are we really reduced to human beings that cannot make informed intelligent decisions regarding our own health? They also have made comparisions to the dangers of the stimulant that was in dietary supplements a while back, That was one case and the supplement was removed. How many people die from using vitamins and minerals compared to prescription drugs? I feel like alot of the responses I have read are just letters filled with platitudes and placative statements. I think it boils down to big drug companies control and monetary gain.
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