In many cases where a chronic infection occurs long after surgery it is
because there is some surgical material left in the site to which your body
is reacting negatively.  First thing I would do is to culture the exudate
and see if anything is growing..maybe not.  If so, you have to have the
material removed.or simply wait until the body rejects it on its own.

Copper locally decreases the formation of scar tissue.  Used for over 100
years in veterinary medicine on horses..

Should you use the careful on the amount as excess will cause
a relative Manganese deficiency..




From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 6:32 PM
Subject: CS>No Subject


Does using colloidal copper together with colloidal silver work
synergistically to heal chronic wounds?

For the last 10 days I have been using Colloidal silver to treat chronic
wounds from cosmetic surgery in Sept. '04; the wounds are behind my ears.
Up until now (and despite weeks of antibiotics), the wounds have not healed
due to a staph infection.  Now the colloidal silver is dealing with that and
finally some progress is being made. Nevertheless, where the ear attaches to
the head, there is still quite an opening.  I have recently read of people
using a combination of colloidal silver and colloidal copper to heal wounds.
I would really appreciate hearing whether any of the silver-list community
knows of success using that combination.

Thank you so much for your help.
