From: "Bruce Anderson" <>

Hi Sharon;
Would you mind shareing the ratio of EO to water? Deer ticks are especially bad this year (lots of rain). A friend went berry picking, looked down, feet and legs were black with them.

Hi Bruce,

This is a totally unscientific "method" that just works for me. I have a 4 oz mister bottle and I fill it about 2/3 full of water, and then dump in either or both oils till I'm satisfied that they are very 'smelly'--shake and spray.

In your friend's case (good grief!!), I'd add a tsp (roughly speaking) of olive or other pure oil to the water and EOs----then shake vigorously before spraying. The coverage would be even better and last longer. I've seen a lot more formal "recipes" for insect repellants with the EOs, but this happens to work just fine in my neck of the woods.


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